Welcome to Little Flowers Visitation Sr. Sec. Convent School. Welcome to Little Flowers Visitation Sr. Sec. Convent School.
Little Flowers Visitation Sr. Sec. Convent School is run and managed by School Management Society through the efficient, dedicated and selfless service of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary.
The name of the school “Little Flower” comes from one of the greatest Saints of the time, St. Therese of Lisieux popularly known as Little Flower of Child Jesus. It was because of her child-like simplicity and total trust in the providence of God that she often saw visions of flower falling down from heaven. “Do little things with great love” says Little Flower of Child Jesus. She believed in doing little things passionately with great zeal and enthusiasm. “Only self surrender can place me in the arms of Jesus.” said the Little Flower.....
Indian schools can be said to be among the best showcases for the nation. India has the longest tradition of being world-class in school education. This has paid off today by putting India at the forefront of the post-industrial society – the knowledge society. In this scenario, Little Flower Visitation Convent has long been acknowledged as one of the leading educational luminaries.
Every Principal comes into the job wanting to make a difference – to lead the school and its extended community to a better place, where students learn not only the traditional subjects, but also about themselves, the world and their place in it. But often the Principal faces a world of demands and decisions which can undermine or at least distract from the greater vision of what the school could be. Luckily for me......